First time meeting

Late into the night as the people of Imperial prepare for bed, the sound of four motorcycles rev loudly in melody. As the vehicles pass the usual busy city, they soon enter a residential area with substandard buildings in poor structure.

Even in the night, one can see how unhealthy and undesirable this area is. However, unlike its usual appearance that crowded of people, due to darkness, the place was almost deserted with only a handful of people in sight.

Amongst the many buildings that look like they can fall a part at any moment, the four motorcycles comes to a stop in front of an old Victorian hotel. Some windows were boarded up with wood, while some were broken. 

The engines to each motorbike shuts off. In a matching motion, each person takes off their helmet and steps down from their seat. As the darkness engulf them, one by one they place full-face masks on. 

"Who said you can park your motorcycles here?"