You're not worthy

Inside one of the many rooms in the old and rundown Victorian hotel, Ning Mei laid on top of a bed not too far from the window.


She muffles a soft moan as her eyes flutter open. She stares up at the unfamiliar ceiling and she frowns. However, it didn't take long before realization dawn on her and her body trembles.

Before she fainted, she remember the red mask man in the bathroom, then the news that Director Yeun had sold her off.

The scene of the bullet that shot pass her floats in her head. Her eyes widen and he quickly sits up to pat herself down. She didn't care that she was only wearing a bathrobe and continues to search for any wounds other than the small scratch she had on the arm.

She sighs in relief when there were no other injuries. Lifting her head up, she scans the room as best as she could. However, due to the poor lighting in the room, she was unable to make out anything.

"Where is this place?"