Take you to him

Lu Tian's car sped through the bustling streets of Imperial. He had run a few red lights without any intentions of slowly down until he arrives at Imperial Military Hospital.

He parks his car in front of the hospital entrance and shuts the engine off before stepping out. As he close the driver side door, his head did not forget to look left and right in search for Grandfather Ji or Zhong Yang.

He had come here due to his assistant's words, but neither of them knows if the two old men had already entered the hospital or were also arriving.

However, not seeing either men, he takes out his phone and press the speed dial number for Xu Long.

The tracking device on Zhong Yang's phone indicated that they were headed this way, but what if it was all a coincidence? What if they drove to a different hospital or another place?

["Boss, how is everything?"]

"Where is their location now?"