Crazy thoughts in his mind

As rain serenade on the metal roof of Yue Ling's white Maserati Granturismo sports car, she sat in the passenger seat with eyes wondering out the window.

Like her, Lu Tian who had offered to drive kept his eyes on the slippery road in front.

When they left the restaurant, Lu Tian suggested they go to a clothing store to buy new clothes since their house was far. However, Yue Ling protested and said for them to go to her company.

However, throughout the car ride, neither person spoke a word.

The sound of the heater and trickling rain can be heard like music singing one to sleep as every few second, the windshield wipers would move to clear off any rain.

Unable to take the silence anymore, Lu Tian lifts his hand to massage his forehead to get rid of his frustration. He made sure to not cover his eyes so he can still see the road.

Even without looking at her, from the corner of his eyes, he can tell that her mind was preoccupied with something.