Meet her predestined man

Lunch came to an end as Liu Shan steps out from Yue Ling's office. He slowly closed the door but stares back at the door like he could see the person inside.

He doesn't know what made her tell him to forget about Ling Ni, but he knows that something must have happened during the meeting with Secretary Jiang. However, he couldn't bring himself to ask.

After a long minute, he finally looks away from the door and walks back to his office.

He enters the space that he works and thought back to when she took a look at his face. A frown appears on his face and he strides to the full-body mirror hung in the room.

With a slight lean, he stares at his own reflection without missing a spot. However, the more he stares, the more he could only frown.

"Was it that noticeable? I'm sure I hid it pretty well."