We are all family

Imperial quickly smothered in darkness as Yue Ling's white BMW x5m sedate to a stop in a public parking lot. Just as she shut the engine off, multiple cars near her along with a motorcycle does the same.

She opens the door and steps out of the car to meet her assistant and subordinates.

"Out of all the restaurants, this is the place everyone decided on?"

Her question fell and every nod their head together in answer.

Tang Zhonghui walks over to Yue Ling with his carefree persona and held one hand behind his back as his other hand gently place in front of his stomach.

"It was a very hard decision for everyone, but since I am regarded as a first-rate master in this field, no other restaurants can pass my good judgment like this one."

He spun around with his back turned to her and raise his hand on his stomach. He points in a specific direction with a serious expression.