Warning you now

Under the clear night sky, Tao Meng and his men came face to face with the large group. Each person looked like your ordinary company worker and didn't seem to know one another.

It was like they were out enjoying a late-night snack and some drinks after a long day at work.

Which was exactly what Tao Meng and his men had thought when they arrived.

They had thought that it was only Tang Zhonghui, Gui Tian Lan, and Gui Zhongmin. Never did they expect the three men had other friends here and to make matters more difficult, it was everyone here.

Looking away from the three men, his eyes scan across each person that was now standing up. His brows slightly furrow together as he couldn't help but feel something was amiss about this sudden change of events.

Quickly brushing this feeling aside, he looks past the crowd until he saw Yue Ling.