Step foot in this part

Hearing the name that he had gained during his fights in the underworld, Liu Shan looks at the person with a nonchalant expression. He stares at Jia Yin with a blank expression and furrows his brows.

"Do I know you?"

"Jia Yin!"

The moment he asked his question, Tao Meng shouts at his righthand man before being careless. He cast a sidelong glare at the man but seeing the man's pale expression, he turned confused.

Like a key opening his locked memories, Liu Shan finally remembers. One corner of his lip arc up into a side smirk as mischief flash across his eyes.

"Ah, I remember now."

He sounds a faint chuckle, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

"You are Jia Yin. My last opponent before I left."

Being looked at by the assistant, Jia Yin felt more afraid than when he is facing his boss. It was like millions of tiny spiders were crawling on him and making him unable to move.