Doing a favor

The grew darker as the wind picked up. As Yue Ling fell into a peaceful sleep with Lu Tian by her side, the couple were unaware of a specific event taking place far from their home.

"Arrrrgh— Arrgghhh—!!"

In the pitch darkness at the top of a secluded mountain, the moonlight shines down onto a man. His pierce shrieking cry echoes into the night sky. His voice was loud but each sound he made was quickly overlapped by the vast ocean that sends its waves to hit against the mountain.

His skinny figure crawls on the dirt ground with beads of sweat covering his forehead. With each pull of his crawl, a dark trail of blood follows behind.

If Tao Meng were here, he would have felt sympathy for the man as he is Xiao.

"I'm sorry…"

Xiao cries in suffering as tears ran down his cheeks and liquid substance stream down his nose. The arrogant demeanor he had earlier was no longer there as only fear wash inside him.