Did you even rest?

The time soon reach 9 am as the quietness inside De L'amour was replaced with the voices of the workers. Like their boss, a handful of people were still hungover from drinking too much last night, while others felt the same as every other day.

As each person began their usual assignment, on the highest floor, Liu Shan steps out from his office and makes his way for Yue Ling's office.

*Knock knock

"Boss, it's me."

He sounds a soft knock to alert her of his arrival but hears no response. Thinking she might still be asleep he slowly pushes open the door and enters the room.

"Boss, are you—"

His right foot had only stepped inside the room when he saw that both the couches were empty. He quickly enters and searches for her, but to his surprise, he finds her up and sitting behind her desk.

"Did you even rest?"

He couldn't help but ask as he walks over to her with a frown.