Fat slap across the face

Xu Long stares down at Wei Hongyi then scratch the back of his head. He did slam his forehead against the man's, but he didn't even use that much force. Could it be that Wei Hongyi is really that weak?

However, he doesn't dwell too much on the thought and shrugs it off.

He raises his right leg and gently kicks the unconscious man with light taps.

"Wow, for someone who talks high and mighty, you sure are weak."

His words fell in mocking that could taunt anyone who heard. However, none of his words entered the target's ears as Wei Hongyi remained sprawled on the ground like a lifeless doll.

Zhao Ya'Er pokes her head out from behind Xu Long. When she saw Wei Hongyi, she gasps and covers her mouth.

"Is… Is he dead?"

Her voice brought Xu Long back to his usual self. He smoothly spun around to face her and blocks her view of Wei Hongyi.

"He's not dead, just sleeping."

"Hey! What's going on here?!"