Take the lead this time

Yue Ling's eye shot open when she felt where his hand was going. She grabs his hand to stop him, but the second her hand touched him, his fingers had already found her pearl and pressed it.


She gasps a loud moan and fell forward onto him. Her sudden fall caused her breasts to press more against Lu Tian, but not enough to suffocate him. Instead, it allowed his mouth the tease her bud better.

His tongue continues to tease her upper bead as his fingers rubbed and played with her pearl below.

Their breathing grew heavy inside the room before Lu Tian moves away from her mounds to find her lips. He kisses her like a hungry wolf who has been starving for days.

A moan escapes Yue Ling's lip through the gaps of their kiss. She disregards all hesitation inside her mind and kisses him back. Her arms wrap around his neck as she had fallen into his spell.

She wanted… no, she needed more of him.