Outside the premises

Yue Ling was beyond thrilled when Lu Tian asked if she wanted a tour of the villa. Anyone given a chance like her would answer with a yes, but she forces back her inner feelings and shakes her head.

"No, we can do that after dinner."

She smiles up at him to reassure him of her answer, then points in a direction behind him.

"Shall we go to the kitchen then?"

The corners of Lu Tian's mouth curls up with a small chuckle. He takes hold of her smaller hand and walks away from where they were standing.

"Then allow me to give you your first tour of the villa."

Yue Ling didn't argue back but obediently follows his steps as she has no idea where to go since the place was prominent. However, as they walked through a part of the house, she didn't forget to glance around with a look of awe.

She wasn't that surprised, as one should be, to see that the villa was more beyond stunning.