It’s just something we do

As Wolf Team disappeared from the room, leaving only Lin Hui, Qi Li, and Alpha Team alone with Tao Meng and his men, no one budged a muscle.

Tao Meng was pushed back and joined his men in the center as the outnumbered group surrounded them. He didn't dare to move as there were still guns pointed at them, and from what he heard, Fate never misses a target.

Lin Hui waited for a long minute, and when he no longer hears the footsteps of his comrades who left, he raises his left hand. He gestures a signal with one wave, and Alpha Team lowers their weapons.

Following his command, each person then leisurely walks away without pulling the trigger.

Once he made a headcount of each individual who walked past him, he glances sideways at Qi Li.

"Let's go."

Qi Li maintained expressionless without uttering a word but gives a silent nod. He didn't provide Tao Meng or the people of Red Moon another glance and turned around.