Finally here

"Look. She came out of the meeting with the board members."

"Why is she alone? Where are the board members and the people she came with?"

"Did the meeting fall through? Could that be why she is leaving?"

"Shh. Didn't you hear? She has always been our CEO. She makes all the choices for An Qing, while Chen Li Mei is just a stand-in."

Leaving the conference room, Yue Ling received the stares of the employees as she walked past them.

However, she feigns ignorance to their whispers of curiosity.

She rode the elevator to the highest floor level and makes her way through the long corridor until she reached a pair of glass doors.

Her steps paused as she stares at the door. It was the same door she had entered when she got rid of Chen Limei. The entrance to the CEO's office.

However, unlike the cold expression she held that day, she had a look of dejection.