Need to work harder

Grey clouds lingered over Imperial like a dense fog, leaving no room for the sun or moon to be seen anywhere. Rain trickles down from the sky in pursuit and splatters on the ground like a song to the ear.

Inside the beautiful home of Yue Ling and Lu Tian, all was quiet but the faint breathing from the couple.

Yue Ling gradually opened her eyes as she awoke from her sleep. Due to her sleeping on her side, the door to the room was the first thing she saw then she felt a slight heaviness on her waist.

She knew it was an arm and didn't need to turn around to know who it belonged to because it was the person who completed her world.

Her eyes calmly blinked, and the faint darkroom was now fully visible as the sound of rain taps against the windows. However, her body ached so much that she didn't want to get out of bed at all.