Changed vehicles

The time arrived at 5 pm for the employees to leave home after a long shift at De L'amour. Yue Ling walks out of her office and stops at her secretary's desk.

"Secretary Jiang, you can leave since there's no more work to handle."

Jiang Shengyi was overseeing the schedule for the week when she heard her boss. She looks up from her monitor screen and looks at the retired model.

"Oh, okay."

She had been so distracted that time seemed to have sped up without her realizing it. She turns off her computer then reaches for the tablet at the side before handing it to Yue Ling.

"I've transferred the weekly schedule to this. Also, Cloth Co. sent an email requesting to meet."

Yue Ling takes the tablet and smiles at her hardworking secretary.

"Thank you. I'll take a look at it and schedule the meeting myself. You have a safe drive home."

She doesn't say anymore and turns away to head back into her office.