Met the qualifications

What was once a path covered in red rose petals soon turns into a set of stairs leading down to the lake. Although the sky was not clear, the atmosphere gave off an enchanting feeling. The grey clouds reflected onto the lake like a fog.

Lu Tian takes three steps down the stairs, and he turns to face his wife with his lips faintly curled up at the corners.

"Shall we?"

Yue Ling held his gaze, and without uttering a word, she took his hand. Her steps were calm, and with Lu Tian's guidance, they soon near the end of the deck.

Wanting to see her reaction, Lu Tian lets go of her hand and stays a few steps behind her.

However, his eyes never once left her.

"It's so beautiful."

Yue Ling stops at the end of the deck, and when she looks down, she is in for another surprise. 

The plain wooden boat they had once ridden was decorated with flowers, and wrapped along the edges were decorative lights.