Removed from the school

Ji Jingxu walked behind Mr. Wei through the school corridors as the two made their way to the principal's office. He wanted to ask why he was being called but decided to wait.

He knows that he will find out when he gets there.

Mr. Wei stops in front of the principal's office and turns around to face the boy.

"Ji Jingxu, I know you are a smart boy. You are one of the few students with potential, but you should know what to do from where you stand."

Hearing the staff member's words, Ji Jingxu glanced at him without moving his head. He had always thought all teachers should help students, but he realized it didn't work that way.

Some teachers will help, but only to a certain extent, while others will even look down upon students.

Mr. Wei was a good teacher, but he was easily bribed.

However, not wanting to pick a fight with an adult, he nods his head.

"I will remember your words, Mr. Wei."