Hard to make a decision

Once afternoon came to Imperial, the grey clouds lingering in the sky gradually disappeared, allowing sunlight to peek through. Everyone continued their day as Yue Ling returned to De L'amour to finish work.

"Good afternoon, CEO Han. How was your lunch?"

Just as she entered through the doors, Sophia stood up from her seat and greeted her with a bright smile.

Yue Ling returns the smile and walks over to the receptionist.

"It was good. I got to enjoy it with my grandfather and brother."

She feels a little guilty for not including Lu Tian, but she was glad to have spent quality time with her family.

The boss and employee chatted briefly before Sophia remembered something and turned away.

"Oh, I almost forgot. This came for you while you were away."

She retrieves a medium box and places it on the counter.

"I was going to give it to Assistant Liu, but he hasn't returned from lunch yet."