Her offer to help

After dinner, Yue Ling and Lu Tian showered and returned to the study. While Lu Tian continued his search throughout Imperial, Yue Ling worked on her sketches.

The setup of their desks allowed them to see one another at a glance. However, the couple didn't speak to one another as their silent presence in the same room was enough.

Only the clicking of the keyboard under Lu Tian's hand sounded in the room.

Lu Tian stops his search and looks away from the monitor. His eyes quickly landed on his beautiful wife.

She sat with her knees up and feet on the chair. Her head was slightly down, allowing her hair to escape down her right shoulder. He would have thought she had fallen asleep if not for the movement of her hand scribbling in her sketchbook.

She would yawn and rub her eyes every few seconds but tried to stay awake.