Additional Information 2

The history of the Chinese Tang dynasty, a monument simultaneously with early Arabic sources, speaks of the country of Kan, which includes eleven principalities:

1 Small An - Samokyan

2 Big An - An

3 Qiao - Kabudan

4 Sheh - Shash

5 Mi - Maymurg

8 Ho - Kushaniya

9 Modi - Vardan

10 Sheh - Kesh

11 Khosyun - Khorezm

whose rulers"nine families" belong to one dynasty, called the Chinese Zhaovu .

Davan (Territory - Fergana) was linked by the "Jade Road" with India, the "Tsar Road" (Shokh-Rokh) with Byzantium and Rome, the "Road of Gold" with Altai and Siberia, the "Scythian Road" with the country of Alanya. Returning to his homeland, he reported on everything he saw to the emperor, and in his second visit he was interested in trade and market conjecture. Soon in the capital Evani, Davani, an embassy-trade agreement was signed on the opening of the Silk Road.