Retreat from the narration.
In the village of "terrible poverty as you hear the runaway," there lived exiled officials, outcasts, demoted grandees ... from three kingdoms. With their hard work they atoned for the clans, the kings ...
Sometimes they managed to leave the village, paying a fine of 25 gold. But it was very difficult to collect them ... only if you risk life ... you hunt wolves and tigers in the desert, collect poison from snakes, search for rubies and emeralds in mountain canyons and mines. To wash the native gold, to dig deep holes that often collapsed ... out of 100 brave men, only 3-4 people achieved their goals, the rest either died or became cripples ... subjecting their lives to unbearable torment ...
Javed was from a family of exiled grandees ... a hurricane of unprecedented strength somehow happened, he flooded the lands of the chief minister of the king, accused Patriarch Javed of everything, he was the chief irrigator of the kingdom ... envious ... he was exiled ...
For the past 500 years, the Javed family managed to survive ... they were like stickings ... what was their real name, he didn't know ?! For 500 years, everything has changed ... only I heard that their roots were from Arabia ... it brought its ancestors to Persia, then to Khazaria, then to Davan, and then to Gaocha ...
Having settled down ... his ancestors from generation to generation took over, they took everything away from the fool who sheltered them ... ties, money, influence, power, and even the family name ...
Thus, the Javed family grew from century to century, but their desire for power often led to adventures ... and therefore ... they often found themselves in exile ...
In each century, two generations out of three turned out to be on the wrong side, at the wrong time ... but someone managed to break out into power ...
Rhode grew, grew ... until one day he ate himself. Was in their kind "What an energy breach"! Which is like a black hole pulling all the energy and life out of the clan.
Those who could not accept this fate tried to escape ... this way Javed had distant relatives in the New and Old World, Europe and Australia, Canada and the USA ... there were white people and black people ... now they were of the same blood. .. but relatives who fled from their homeland broke off contacts ...
A large family of 3,500 people was once reduced to only 15 people at some point in time ... They also didn't really want to communicate with each other ...
It was overtaken by their boomerang launched by an ancestor, whose name was Javed, which he launched in 617 in the era of the Tang dynasty ...
He didn't have to steal this coin ... the magical "Jiang" ...
... well, at least lucky to have survived ...