
Thoughts of the author aloud about the novel and how many chapters remain until the end of the story.

initially, the novel was thought of as the main one, but then branches of history appeared, separate novels appeared but related to the first.

Writing 4 stories at the same time is difficult. Since you start to get confused in names, stories, thoughts. The original story begins to get lost. new ideas come up. But throwing a novel unfinished is also not good. Each story that begins, must necessarily end, at least at some end. Then there is a chance for this story to come back after a while. Like the second season! With new thoughts and new methods for writing a text block.

Originally, I wanted to write 60 chapters for this story. Now I have written 33 thematic chapters. Some chapters are 2000 words each and some are only 350-650 words.

On the one hand, the author wants to finish the novel in order to focus his attention on two other stories. Another novel to complete, start a new one. And also begin to rewrite the previously completed story about treasure hunters.

As the author planned, this novel will end in 39,000 words. The story itself was an introductory one, in order to describe the world, from the time of the TAN dynasty, the heyday of the Silk Road era.

There will still be 30 to 40 chapters. Well, there how it goes!
