[ The Prosecutor has been appointed]


It was all gone.

Iovis searched the entire house once and then twice but the result was still the same. The money he'd painstakingly saved up for the last six years was absolutely gone and the culprits were at the bar treating strangers who were just as bad as they were and harassing the waitresses who truly were not paid enough for what they had to go through each day.

He grabbed the bat off the wall, his brother's treasure, and sat in the doorway waiting to confront them once he got home.

" Even if we aren't blood-related, this is too much."

Because the electricity bill had yet to be paid and would not be for a little while Iovis sat in the dark. It was because of this that he was so surprised to see the text box spring out of thin air. The green fluorescent box highlighted white words and made him squint to read it.

[ The Prosecutor has been appointed]

[ Official recognition as an Enforcer of The Law Has been granted ]

[ Title of Accusatoris the Prosecutor has been granted]

[ Skill Arrest { Level 4] has been granted: The power to pronounce a criminal a criminal, Henceforth qualifying them for trial.]

[ Skill Information processing {Level 3} has been granted: The ability to process information quickly and efficiently in order to pass judgment. { Efficiency raised in the presence of the Judge} ]

[ Ability Holding {Level 3} has been granted: the ability to send criminals to the holding rooms to await judgment and if need be execution.]

" What the hell?"

Iovis softly whispered Like he was scared that having too much noise would chase it away.

" What's going on?"

'Or did one of my brothers lovingly slip something into my meal again?'

Nonetheless, he continued to read the texts.

[ As the old generation of the enforcers of the law aged and weakened, crime flourished and the law was put in danger of being overthrown. Realizing this they gave up their powers to the system in order to choose worthy successors to uphold]

" So I'm one of them?"

Rather than a direct reply one of the earlier boxes glowed brighter,

[ The Prosecutor has been appointed]

" Fair enough."

[ Item Prosecutor's Mic { Level 2 }has been granted ]

[ Item Prosecutor's suit { Level 4}has been granted; Raises interrogative and intimidation abilities by 20%]

[ Ability Interrogate {Level 1} has been granted: The ability to put pressure onto the criminal and make them confess.]

[ Ability Intimidate {Level 1} has been granted; The ability to use fear in order to get a confession.]

[Ability Investigate {Level 1} has been granted: The ability to quickly identify important clues to condemn the criminal ( Low possibility of raising aggression of criminal if Level is not high enough)]

[Ability Interrogation room has been granted: Ability to create a suitable environment in order to interrogate the criminals and send them to the holding cells or to the Courtroom. ]

[ Abilities are limited by the absence of Jadon the Judge ]

[ Abilities are limited By absence of Alasotor the Executioner ]

[ Ability Crime awareness { Level 1}has been granted: The ability to be aware of any crime within a five-foot radius.]

[Ability Crime awareness has been activated]

[ On the first awakening of his lineage the bearer of Accusatory title sensed a crime in progress and felt the need to deal with it as an enforcer of the law. ]

[Do You accept your role?]

[Yes] [No]

Iovis considered what would happen if he picked either and finally decided on [ Yes] After all if it really was just a trip it wasn't like he could get majorly hurt.

Heavy footsteps that reflected the drunkenness of their owner echoed up the stairs and into the apartment of the next apartment over. Iovis burst out, bat in hand to see his brothers standing information in order to intimidate the neighbor who was a not quite middle aged old lady who had been thrown in here for brutally killing the murderers of her child.

Although she had that sort of background she was still a sweet lady that often fed all of them and provided us clothes when they needed them. The fact that she was being robbed at the moment was enough to make Iovis incredibly angry.

The eldest turned to Iovis and smiled widely as he saw the bat, thinking that Iovis was there to help.

" Seventh brother! I'm glad you've finally awakened to our ways! Here-"

He dragged the lady in front of Iovis

" you take the first swing to show that we ain't playing around!"

Iovis did take the first swing, but not at the old lady. The first brother, who was the oldest dodged and let go in his haste. Iovis took this opportunity to drag her behind him and shove her into the closest house before turning to face the others

"What are you guys doing?! Have you forgotten who she is in your drunken stupor?! And how did you guys pay for that anyways? "

Even though they were drunk, they weren't so smashed that they couldn't recognize the fact that he as the seventh brother did not have the right to yell at his elders.

The third brother swaggered up to him and pinched Iovis's nose harshly, trying to fully intimidate the kid while not actually harming him.

" Ya! What makes you think you can talk to us l-l-l-like THAT!"

He was overcome by the hiccups in the middle and ended up screaming the end but the others seemed not to notice and only responded to the scream.

" YEAH!"

This time fifth brother came up,

" do you know how hard it was to raise you! From the time your ***** of a mother dropped you off here weren't we the ones that raised you like fathers?"

The others roared in agreement at first but then quickly went silent as the unspoken was spoken,

The fact was that although Iovis called them all Brothers the age gap between some of them was so large that he was probably one of their kids. In Fact, there was a bit if a running bet among the neighbors as it could really be any one of them.

Using this Iovis struck back at full force,

" Well, she probably wouldn't have had me if not for my jerk of a father. Now come on. Sober up so we can apologize to her…...It's not like this is the first time this has happened."

" why should we apologize to some random bi-"

[ Ability Intimidate has been activated]

[ Due to being used against multiple criminals Intimidate has leveled up by 2]

[ Due to the criminal's drunken state effectiveness was raised by 25 %]

Iovis watched in awe as the previous boisterous crowd quickly calmed down and began to apologize to the lady before heading back to their dorms and collapsing onto their beds.

" Seventh! Make sure breakfast is ready by the time we're up."

Still stunned by what had just happened Iovis didn't even retort and nodded. Second brother quickly gathered the wallets and retrieved the money needed then shoved it at him.

" Go now."

Iovis once again nodded and ran out while counting how much was given, thinking.

'If I go pay the bills with this I could get some instant noodles and get the old man at the seafood stall to give me a bit extra to pass it off as a super fancy dish.'

While it would probably get him yelled at, the allure of getting hot showers and light after dawn for the next month was too strong to resist.

He practiced his smile as he left the electricity and water company after paying his bills and walked to the market, internally grumbling.

'Why do I have to suck up to an old man anyways. If they would just be a bit more responsible with their money this wouldn't be a problem.'

A shiver went down his spine as he recalled how handsy the old man tended to be and once again cursed at his irresponsible brothers as he neared the stall. He entered the isolated alleyway only to see another fluorescent box pop up in front of him.

[ On the first awakening of his lineage the bearer of Accuasatoris's title was called to duty and performed it to the best of his ability as an enforcer of the law. ]

[Do You accept your role?]

[Yes] [No]

Iovis considered it carefully, on one hand, he was curious as to where he would be called but on the other, he had to hurry home and make a proper hangover meal for his brothers so they could get to work. He pressed [ No] but frowned when he read the following notification.

[ Refusal is not an option]

"What the- Then why offer a choice !"

[ Transfer will commence in 10s]

" No! I'm not going!


[ Transfer to courtroom has been activated.]

[ Item Prosecutor's Mic { Level 2 } has been equipped]

[ Item Prosecutor's suit { Level 4}has been equipped (interrogative, Investigative and intimidation abilities have been raised by 20%]