John Smith

"Neverlasting" is the first full dive Virtual Reality MMORPG. A typical swords and magic, Good and evil game settings. Player's can choose between censored and non-censored; which differentiates conversation and actions of NPC's, as well as leaving aside the bloody and gory scenes for the weak hearted. This game has a revolutionary system which allows player's to fully experience a different world. It has a 1:3hour ratio. So player's are able to enjoy 3hours in the game while only an hour passes in reality.....said a commentator on TV John was watching.

"It's this game again huh" John.

"I wonder if my character is still alive?" John.

John Smith is your typical blue collar worker. He works from 8am-5pm everyday. Lives in an apartment at Sorsogon City. He is 25years old a bit tall and modestly handsome. Had a trained body because of a military draft that happened 2years ago. (Back then a certain country waged war on one of our allied countries. All men 21yrs old above where drafted for military service. Long story short, the country that waged war was destroyed with the alliance of four other countries)

John Smith was a degenerate Otaku before the draft. He lived at his parents house and played games all day. He would have been kicked out if he wasn't earning money from his games.

3 years ago:

In the game at the Field of the dead, a man that looked like an Akat*uki member from N*ruto was looking at the "Monster" he had slain.

Inside his Akat*uki robe was a set of Black armor that resembles the night sky "The Black Devil Armor set". In his right hand a sword that looked like Reb**lion from Devil m*y cry. In his left hand was a black Heater-shaped shield that was made from mythology level metals, it has a red logo of a snake that was coiling around a cross. His eye's was blood red and resembled Na*uto's eyes when he is on Vermillion mode. On the back of his waist was a huge revolver that was designed like the H*ll boy revolver, the only difference is that his gun doesn't need ammo only mana. (author: basically the stronger the items the more they resemble anime and movies related items, well just like any other RPG out there I suppose). He had a wide grin on his face that resembled a child during Christmas day.

"I've finally defeated you"said Leon Greed(John Smith) while facing the corpse of "Morroc Sutr" in front of him.

"Lets loot him and see what we got" said Leon.

"You got Skill book: All language comprehension(Myth)"

"What the heck is this skill for? Neverlasting already has a built-in translator which can translate unkown texts and different languages. Sigh~ Nevermind let's keep searching" said Leon.

"You got The Ring of Morroc"

-Ring of morroc-

The God of Chaos Morroc Sutr envied the dwarven smith's for creating beautiful works of art. He created this Ring in an attempt to create works of beauty in his image. The result was a ring that holds malice to everything.

Passive skill: God of Chaos Aura

-Able to reflect 80% of physical damage taken.

Active targetted skill: God of Chaos suppression

-Anything that is 15 levels below you will not be able to damage you. (Not including Mythology class Spells like "Meteor Shower" etc. etc.) Also, any enemy targeted by this skill will have the "Fear" status given to them. Cooldown: none

Active skill: The Second coming

-Immediate resurrection upon death. (No penalties, No dropped items) Can only be used once a week.

"Haha, finally with this item I don't have to hide myself from those First class guilds. On the contrary I'll hunt them instead. Creating an alliance to suppress me? I'll massacre you all" said Leon.

"Let me see what else is there? Hmm?" Leon

"You got the Death God's Tattoo"

-Morroc Sutr killed the God of Death Thanatos. After death he compressed the power of Thanatos in a tribal whole body tattoo.

Active skill: Death's Suppression

-All enemies in a 200m radius will have their strength, intelligence, and vitality drop 2% per level difference. Cooldown: none

Passive skill: Regeneration(Myth)

-Regeneration like Dead*ool

Passive skill: Hit to Heal

-Heals wounds 40% proportional to damage given to the enemy.

"Good loot. Now I should get revenge on those bastards that hunted me" said Leon with dangerous look in his eyes.

After defeating the last boss of the game "God of Chaos Morroc Sutr" the system gave a world wide announcement.

System: Congratulations to player Leon Greed for being the first ever player to have defeated the "God of Chaos Morroc Sutr". 7000 Neverlasting Merit points have been awarded.

System: Congratulations to player Leon Greed for being the first ever player to have defeated the "God of Chaos Morroc Sutr". 999999999exp points have been awarded.

System: Congratulations to player Leon Greed for being the first ever player to have defeated the "God of Chaos Morroc Sutr". The Title God Slayer has been awarded.

System: Congratulations to player Leon Greed for being the first ever player to have defeated the "God of Chaos Morroc Sutr". God of Light has given you his Blessing. (All Abnormalities resistance)

At a certain First rates guild.

"Oh my God it's him. Quick report this to guild leader"

"Shit why is it always him"

"F*ck call those guys from the alliance of guilds tell them we need an emergency meeting right now!"

The same chaos could be seen at every corner of the Globe.

"It's Mad God Leon again!!"

"Hmm? Who ?

"You don't know? He's the guy that solos crazy level dungeons and kills Disaster level bosses like mobs."

"What the heck!!!? There's actually a guy like that?

"Yeah, but not only that he was also hunted by the First rate guilds"

"F*ck! First rate guilds? Why?

"He was scouted by Dawn of Swords guild(current number 1 guild), when he refused they tried to kill him. In the end they got wiped out"


"That's not the end of it though, he was also scouted by other ambitious guild. The outcome was the same"

"Those guilds made an alliance to destroy Mad God Leon, but in every confrontation they had he always escapes taking the live of a hundred player's with him."

"On a fight were they cornered Mad God it was rumored that he died and went into hiding"

"So even he can't go against first rate guilds. Sigh~"

"Well thats what we all thought as well but actually he was stuck at a Myth class dungeon. After a week he returned and destroyed each and every one of those guilds headquarters."

"Some of the Leaders from those first rate publicly appologized to Mad God. After that No one heard from him again. Untill today at least.

"Wow, those guys from first rate guilds must be crying now."

"Right! Hahaha!!"

Back at Leon;

"Hmm? I've levelled up again. Let me see. Status open!" Leon


Name: Leon Greed

Level: 1935(Average player base levels 500-600. First rate guilds Average level 800-900)

Hp: 3007000(6278383)

Mp: 2373839(2074839)

Strength: 17986(1543)

Agility: 16448(1500)

Wisdom: 8160(800)

Defense: 7727567


Head: Akatsuki Hat(Legend), Vermillion eyes(Myth), Troll Hero's Mask(Legend).

Body: Black devil's armor, Black devil's pants, Black devil's shoes, Black devil's gloves, Akatsuki robe(Legend), Death God's Tattoo. (except Akatsuki robe all myth class items)

Right Hand: Angra Manyu(sword)(Myth)

Left Hand: Ahura Mazda(Shield)(Myth)

Secondary weapon: Glockett 707(Revolver)(Myth)

Accessories: Ring of Morroc, Earring of the Mad God(He got his nickname because of this Earring his first myth class item), Ring of Enlightenment.


Appraisal (myth)

- I see you

Cataclysm (myth)

- Slash, everyone dies


- If not dead heal, they live

Meteor Shower(Myth)

- Rock-san I choose you! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Etc. etc.(To many skill)

Tittles: God Slayer, Slayer of 10000 men, Dragon Slayer, Enlightened one, Choosen one, Unsung Hero, Lord of Madness, Crazy, True Hero, Duke of Compassion, Demon Buster, Living Legend, Greedy, Assassin's Vain, Stealthy, Lord of the Night, Gambler king, Child of the Sun, Asura, Headhunter, Full-Metal Blacksmith etc.. etc...

Blessings: Blessing of the God of light, Blessing of the Sun God, Blessing of the God of Death (Thanatos). Blessing of the Blacksmith God, Blessing of the God of Magic, Blessing of the World Tree, Blessing of the Ice Dragon.

"My Avatar is Seriously Broken" Leon said.

System: Oh hero, Congratulations on being the first ever player to defeat "Sutr" as a there is still a crisis in a different world we *re go**g t* tran**er y*u *o ano***r w**ld...(we are going to transfer you to another world, If you agree please press [Yes] if not click [No] He clicked [yes]) "Thank you hero. With the approval of five other Gods we will make your character your body in ...." is the explaination he was supposed to hear before his mother Leila Smith forcedly ejected him from his capsule. Her mother was a very gentle woman who always cared for him even though he was a bum.

Her mother was a bit anxious, when he saw this he asked her.

"What's wrong mom? " asked John.

"It's an officer from the military, their asking for you." she said.

"Why? What for?"asked John.

"Because of a certain country; men at the age of 21 above will be drafted to the military for 1 year of training and 2years of service."said the man in front of his bedroom.

"Dad! what country was stupid enough to wage war during this peace full times? And more importantly is there anyway I can skip the draft?" asked John with a wry smile.

"You stupid son! It's good that you've been drafted! Otherwise you'll just waste your time with those stupid video games of yours" said his dad(Peter Smith).

"MMORPG" said John.

"Whatever!!" said his father.

"Dear, calm down" said his mother.

"Son you should go and see the officer first"said his mom.

"Alright"said John.

While his father Hrummped...

Sigh~ John

At the present:

"3years has passed since then. All those bitter experience. Hmm sigh~ I wonder If I could still log in my account?."John wondered.

"Hey John! Stop day dreaming and finish your report!" Supervisor.

"Ah sorry supervisor, I was just... Nevermind. I'll get back to work." said John.

"Good" Supervisor.

After the supervisor left he thought "maybe I should buy the new capsule and try to play once more."

A few hours later, "okay I bought it. Let's install it now, download and update the game, eat dinner and play."

After eating, he got into the capsule and started the game.

Then something happened, His view turned bright and after a few moments he saw nothing but an empty open space.

Suddenly he heard a voice, "Good day to you Hero" said a beautiful woman.

"I am the Goddess of Hope Minerva" said the woman.

"That voice!? I think I know it from somewhere?. pondered John.

"Yes, In your game you may have known me as "System"


"Calm down hero" Minerva

"Hero? Why do you keep calling me Hero?" asked John.

Minerva smiled, she was so beautiful that World peace would have been attained for a few moments because of her smile.

"Hehe. Hero have you forgotten? when you killed "Sutr" I reached out to you and asked if you could save my world as well. Although you were silent it was definitely a yes(He clicked the yes button). But before we could finish the explaination and start the ritual of Migration you suddenly disappeared."

"That was 3 years ago." Minerva.

"Wait, let me get this straight. You want me to go to a different world and save it? John

"Yes" Minerva.

"Why? What's the crisis there? John

"A Demon Lord has appeared and controlled as well as enslaved Half the human and demi human races population." Minerva.

"Okay but let me ask you another question, why me?" John.

"Because you are the only one who ever defeated Sutr. Sutr was truly evil and his strength even surpasses other Gods. A lot of God's died by his hand never to resurrect again." Minerva

"That was the lore of Sutr in the game, what does that have anything to do with me? I defeated Sutr; Yes, but that was only in the game." John.

Looking a bit guilty, Minerva said " Actually, before you challenged the game Sutr. I transferred your soul into your character and transported your character to where Sutr was Teehe..😉"

"😳😳😳😳😳😳. John.

"Do you remember that long loading time? The game doesn't have that feature right? That was actually me transferring your soul." said Minerva with a smug face.

"Kyaaaaaaahh! Minerva shouted.

John went up to her and pinched her beautiful little cheeks until they went red.

"I'm sowwe, I'm sowwe I couldn't think of any other way." Minerva said.

"Y-you you". John went down on his knees held his head and tried to remember what happened.

It was exactly as she said. Back then he didn't realize the difference between VR and reality as he was occupied with battling Sutr that time.

"Sigh~sigh ~

"Are you okay Hero? Minerva.

Breathing calmly he smiled, while his eyes were lifeless he asked "I really defeated Sutr didn't I?"

"Yes!! and as a reward for your achievement -and as an apology for my blunder- (she said this in a small voice) we decided to Grant you, your greatest desire which was getting away from your world and helping others on a different world while defeating a Demon Lord and being surrounded by demi human girls.

"Hmm.. Demi Humans you say? There should be elves right!? There should be elves right!?" John(Important things should be repeated twice.)


"Okay then" John

"Really? Are you sure?" Minerva.

"Yeah, after all that world is really in danger right?."John

"Yes to the point of desperation".

"By the way before I go can you let me write a letter to my parents?"John

"Sure" Minerva said happily.

After a few minutes,

"Okay I'm ready" John

"Okay, then a few more reminders. Before we proceed. Your character Leon Greed will be your persona at the otherworld. You will have all your characters capabilities there. Me and 5 other Gods have already approved of you using your powers." Minerva.

"Wait seriously!? I get to bring my broken character from the game." John.


"Isn't that a little to dangerous, having that much power?" John

"Yes, but that's just how big of a help you gave us from defeating Sutr." Minerva.

"I see. Then please rest assured Goddess. I will not use my powers for anything evil." John.

(Of course you won't the Goddess of the Stars already for told the future, the worst thing you would do is destroy a - Whooopppss spoiler)

"Okay, I'm starting the ritual please step inside the circle" Minerva.

Then the spell activated, "Thank you hero" was the last thing I heard before my journey to another world started.


- Skills and equipment rank from normal-rare-epic-disaster-legendary-Mythology class

-Just an update to what happened to those different guilds. They mobilized an entire army for what was supposed to be their final battle against the Mad God. To bad he never showed up. Later on this story was passed on as the Mad God pardoning them from their sins. But that's another story for a later time.

-VRMMO games don't have a loading time.