I'm Batman

In the outskirts of the fallen Dwargo City. A man wearing nothing but a black shirt, black pants and black shoes was standing next to a crater more than 20meters wide.

"Damn it. I thought I was done for. That crazy Goddess made me free fall from the sky. I was so shocked that I even forgot that I could fly.


Thats what happens when you haven't played in a while I guess. Thought Leon.

" Where am I exactly?" said Leon while looking around.

"Well, only one way to find out. "Massive Area Scan!"

System: "Scan complete! Map updated"

Location: Outskirts of Dwargo City

Monster Habitat: Consists of Lvl. 130 Dire wolves, Lvl. 142 Four armed Bear, and Lvl. 180 Giant black serpent.

Map Boss: Lvl 257 Dire Wolf King

Nearest City: Dwargo City 5km to the west and Lumeria City 156 km to the North.

Strongest Lvl On a 10km Radius: Lvl. 207 Dwarf General "Orthorn", Lvl. 217 Ogre Champion Megyoko(Demon King affiliated), Lvl. 252 Ogre King Bobeer(Demon King affiliated), Lvl. 257 Dire Wolf King.

Map Danger Level: Rare

Dwargo City? Hmm, this doesn't look anything like Neverlasting. I'm really in another world huh. Thought Leon.

"Anyways, let's try a series of tests and see if this body works the way I remembered." said Leon.

After some running, flips, jumps, punches and kicks I have finally gotten used to this body.

"Though I never expected to jump 30meters high without being serious, Run as fast as mach 1.5, and destroy some trees with some punches and kicks. Seriously those trees snapped when I barely even touched them. Not to mention when I seriously punched; a whole Grove of trees got obliterated" said Leon as he had a wry smile on his face.

As for weapons he used his second battle slot equipments.

He tested his spare Gun which where only disaster class. The result? A disaster happened. Every shot created a shockwave and every impact was like a grenade resulting in destroyed rocks and mangled trees. That would have been ok if it was only that much; sadly, the places that exploded where covered in ice that was equivalent to a an epic class frost Nova spell. You could even here animals running for their lives. Even the Dire wolf king that was supposed to be the Boss of this area can no longer be seen in the 10km scan.

He was to scared to use his secondary weapon which was imbued with Dragon's flame magic, because he thought that it may start a Forrest fire.

This happens even though I'm only wearing my "I'm not strong so don't mind me set". This Avatar is seriously broken. Thought Leon to himself as he had a wry smile on his face.

"Now let's check on our items. Oh yeah, can I still use Inventory?." questioned Leon before he shouted. "Inventory!"

A list of items appeared in front of him, it was categorized from potions and medicine, equipments, scrolls and magic items, metals, food, and coins.

He checked equipments first to see if he still had everything he remembered there.

"Let's see Sundang of Lapu-lapu(Myth), Glorious King's armor set(Myth), Infi*ity Gauntlet (Myth), Trident of Poseidon(Legend), Gloves of Kronos(Legend), Sword of summer(Legend), Th*r's Storm breaker(Legend), Boots of Icarus(Legend), Heracles Mark/Tattoo(Legend) etc, etc, etc..... alright it's all here"Leon

As for the other items Leon just scrolled down the list. And after checking twice it seems that nothing was misplaced.

Now, let's see, if my battle slots still has some equipment on them. thought Leon.

"First Slot still has the Myth rated equipments for raiding dungeons and battling guilds; so no issues there. (Refer to chapter 1) Although I should probably never use this unless I'm fighting Myth level monsters.

Second slot has the "I'm not strong so don't mind me set" consisting of Gh*st Buster's shirt(Event Item-Epic), Hydra's Black scaled pants(Epic), Veteran's Soldier shoes (Rare), Cool guy's fake reading Glasses (Rare), Wind sprites earring(Epic) and Ice Dragon's Garrisons (Guns)(Disaster), Flame Dragon's Dagger(Knife) (Disaster), Reserve Weapon Prototype Black Katana(Epic).

Good with this I can change from battle mode to wanderer mode in just seconds. However, note to self Disaster class items and above are banned; especially in a Lvl. 200 map. I'll just use my reserve weapons for now.

"For accessories, I should use Death Gods Tattoo(myth), Kyuubi's eyes(Myth) and Ring of Morroc(myth). Having Invulnerability against the lower level, True All Seeing sight and an automatic resurrection is a must after all. I may be very strong but Im not stupid. Not knowing anything in this place and venturing without precautions is just pure idiocy; plus I'd like to see what a God's suppression is like compared to my Dragon Fear skill(Myth).

"Alright, let's head to Dwargo for now and get some info on the Demon Kings Army" Said Leon as he checked his map and used teleportation.


15 minutes before Leon started testing his items. The Demon King resistance lead by the former Dwarven General Orthorn made their move. Their goal was to free the residents of Dwargo City.

Orthorn was a commoner in the Dwarven kingdom that joined the army when he was only sixteen. Gifted with the talent for war. He conquered many battlefields and defended the City in multiple occasions. Years later because of accumulated achievements he was promoted as the General of the Dwarven Kingdom.

"Alright you all know the plan, release all the prisoners while me and Vice-General Hobbes will assassinate the Ogre King."

"Ok best of luck General" said a cat eared soldier.

Orthorn nodded and began to move. While the soldiers made their way to the prisoners tower in hopes to release their comrades.


Quickly moving, the elites of the resistance assassinated ogre after ogre while moving their way to the prisoners tower. Though ogres have superior strength it does nothing in the face of instant death.

"Just a little further" said Milo the cat eared soldier as he had an earnest look on his face while waiting for scouts to arrive.

A few minutes later, scouts arrived while he was being hopeful. With a murderous look on the scouts face he reported "The prisoners are deeply wounded and barely alive it looks like they've been tortured quite a lot. Some men are being put to work on making weapons and armor. It looks like they're getting ready to conquer Biringan City."

"Sh*t, it's worse than we thought. We have to finish this quickly and report to the alliance." said Milo.

"Alright, everyone get ready. We're going to rescue the prisoners now." said Milo.

Soldiers where getting ready. However, before they could move a body flew in their direction. Shocked at the scene they found out that it was former Dwarven General Orthorn.

"General! shouted the soldiers.

Milo had a look of disbelief on his face as he saw Hobbes standing next to the Ogre King "Bobeer" and a group of elite ogres behind him.

"Impudent bastards, did you really think your plan would work!? Hahaha. asked the Ogre King as he laughed maniacally.

"What the hell is going on!? Hobbes y-you bastard. Have you betrayed us!!!? asked Milo as the soldiers despaired.

"What are saying Milo? I was never on your side in the first place" said Hobbes as his body started to change. What appeared afterwards was a slim Ogre that had a sinister smile on it's face. It was Ogre champion Megyoko that was renowned for his schemes.

"You guys are really stupid. That foolish Hoobes died 2days ago in his reconnaissance mission. With my skill Appearance Mimicry(rare) I copied Hoobes appearance and infiltrated your base; I have already set up plans for your demise and you guys just kept agreeing to what I said. How pathetic. Although, it would have been better if I had uncovered more of your secrets. But, well I guess you can't have everything you want. Your Death's will have to do. hahahaha!!!!! said Megyoko.

"Cough! cough! cough! So the plan that you drafted in order to save our people was all a trap set up by you!?" asked Orthorn as he was trying to stand whilst coughing up blood.

"General!! said Milo as he rushed to the former generals side.

"Correct, oh foolish dwarf. said Megyoko.

"Good very good Megyoko, I shall reward you handsomely for your achievement, but for now dispose of these trash and kill all their people. The Demon King will be sending one of the four Deva's this week to check on our preparations. The Incarnation of Flames, Gremoria-sama is very short tempered so we need to clean this place before she arrives otherwise we'll get wiped out" Said Bobeer.

"One of the four Deva's!? Oh my lord and it's even that heartless harlot. Yes, my king I'll dispose of them right now. said Megyoko as he turned to Orthorn and his comrades while releasing a strong killing intent.

"You should die now" said Megyoko as he ordered the Ogres to surround Orthorn and his Men.

"We will never forget this Megyoko. Mark my words even in death I will curse you ev-----

Orthorn never got to finish his words as a Huge pillar of light that looked like it could reach the heavens appeared at the Top of the Prisoners tower.


I've arrived at Dwargo City, but it looks like Ogres have taken over the place. thought Leon.

"Let's move to a higher ground". said Leon as jumped at a tower.

Some Demi humans seem to be sneaking into the place to rescue some of their people. Maybe I should lend a hand. Thought Leon but before he could move he saw an Ogre twice the size of a normal ogre throwing a dwarf to the sneaking party. He was followed by a group of Ogres as well as an Ogre that was disguised as a dwarf. Kyuubi's eyes detect all forms of deception so I can see his ugly face even when his in disguise. Heck I could even see Invisible things but that's a story for later.

"Hmm, I wonder what is happening now? wondered Leon. As he heard them speak;

Ogre: €^¢π¢^€°€×€°!!! ##&@¥¢π|` followed by what seemed to be laughter.

Cat eared: #)$!$(€^¢™¢×π∆¶!

Ogre in disguise: #($)$°¢÷¢¢÷¢°®¥¢÷¢6$&'$'#&#&#:$-":™¢®¢π÷#-$'$+(($-

and so on..

I can't understand what their saying. Damn it. I guess the built-in translation didn't follow me here, or is just a new language that hasn't been heard of and not recorded in the translation data. Hmm~ thought Leon.

Then he remembered he still had the All language comprehension skill(Myth). He took it out of his inventory and looked at the details.

All language comprehension (Myth)

- You hear a language, you learn the language, and now you can speak and write the language. Language!!!!!!!

All right let's learn it right away since it looks like those guys are in trouble. He took the scroll and opened it. The result was a giant pillar of light descending from the heavens.

System: Congratulations on learning All language comprehension (Myth)

Honest mistake, I forgot that Legendary and Myth class scrolls had this kind of effect when learning a skill. Thought Leon as all attention was now on him. He jumped down the tower and looked around.

"Who the hell are you!!!? asked the Orc King.

System: Language acquired "Bermiah Native Tongue"

He grinned while looking at the system and replied in a grumpy sounding voice. "I'm Batman!"