
After Everything calmed down at Dwargo city. The citizens where grateful to the resistance for freeing them. Although, at first they were downhearted as they found out that their prided weapons aided their enemies in conquering other cities.

Orthorn and Milo assured them that it wasn't their fault and cheered them up by providing a feast for their liberation, on which they succeeded.

("Dwarves are easy to please after all, you just need a couple barrels of Ale some roasted meet and a cheerful song") Thought Milo as he looked hopelessly at the drunk Orthorn dancing with the craftsmen.

During the feast Leon asked about the Demon King and his Army. On which he found out; that after the 77th Demon King was crowned, he declared war on all the races.

That was 3 years ago. Leon thought that if he wasn't disturbed by his mother when he was playing back then he would've been transported by Minerva to the time the war was about to begin. With all his power and items, he could've stopped the outbreak of war by providing the Demons a way to cope with their dying lands using modern means, as well as giving them supplies that could last them at least 5 years.

Though it was regretful he could do nothing about it.

Milo smiled gently as he looked at Leon who was thinking for their sake. He said, "Don't ponder to much about it, and just enjoy the festival"

Leon dropped the subject and put on a smile. He stopped worrying about what happened and began to participate in the festival. He walked around, greeted some people and then sat down at a table full of another worlds dish with Milo. He was excited as he was wondering what the food from another world would taste like. Then he got embarrassed when he found that Milo was looking at him funnily.

Milo looked at Leon as he seemed embarrassed for his excitement towards their dish. He said, "Go on don't be shy now Leon-sama our chefs put a lot of effort in cooking this dishes for your convenience"

"Let's have a taste then" said Leon with an embarrassed look as he bit into the meat.

"How is it? Pretty good right? Asked Milo.

"Yeah, these tastes amazing" said Leon as he took another bite on the meat and chugged down a mug full of Ale.

"Oh, kid your quite the drinker aren't cha?" said the drunk Orthorn that sat down besides Leon.

Othorn began to call Leon kid, because Leon insisted that they should not use any honorifics on him. After talking and getting to know each other this past few days, Orthorn began to get a little close to Leon. Treating him like a child from their neighborhood.

"Well, I do have a bit of a tolerance" said Leon.

"OH! That's good kid, How about a drinking conte—Ohhhff!

Milo hit Orthorn lightly before he could finish his sentence and said, "Stop talking nonsense, he doesn't stand a chance against a dwarf's alcohol tolerance"

"Shut up you bushy eared weirdo, he said he has a bit of tolerance" said Orthorn while holding his smacked head.

"Hahahaha" laughed Leon before he asked teasingly, "you guys are really close huh?"

Milo and Orthorn looked at each other, before they shouted "who would want to be close to this Dwarf bastard (Cat eared Bastard)!

"Anyways, Thank you again for helping us with Bobeer and Megyoko. If it wasn't for you the whole resistance might have been wiped out" said Milo.

"I told you, don't mention it" said Leon.

"But you helped us so much so we have to at least show our gratitude." said Orthorn.

"Well, anyways let's talk about what Bobeer said" said Leon as he changed the subject.

"Alright" said Milo.

"Let me get the guys first they should listen to this as well" said Orthorn as he got up and walked towards the celebrating Dwarves and Demi humans"

A few minutes later, they all sat down at the Large table.

Worried about what Bobeer said about a Deva visiting Dwargo. Milo suggested they abandon the city; as their only objective was to free the citizens. Sadly, the stubborn dwarves and Demi humans said that they would rather die than let their city be ruled again by the Demon Kings Army. Though it was unreasonable, Milo, Leon and Orthorn understood them. However, women and children would be evacuated. Lead by the Resistance scouts to the secret roads to Biringan City.

Some women wanted to help especially on the Demi humans side, as some of them had combat experience. But, no matter how much they wanted to stay they were still declined by Orthorn. Milo said that "Scouts will not be enough to escort you all, we still need some people to help them protect everyone" to which the Demi Human women would have a role.

Small carriages were going to be used for their transportation because they were also carrying crafted weapons; which was supposed to be used by the demons. Now however they will be used to strengthen the resistance.

Leon insisted that he would fight the Deva alone. Everyone objected to it first but after some logical persuasion from Leon they couldn't refute him. In the end Leon got what he wanted.

(I've already scanned the area at a thousand kilometer radius, Gremoria or The Incarnation of Flames is only a Lvl. 769 Disaster class Succubus with my current strength even if I don't use battle mode I wont event get hurt. Plus its a Succubus! a Succubus! thought Leon)

After a few more back and forth talks, they have decided that the women and children would leave the next day.

The next day, Milo, Orthorn and Leon double checked the carriages. Leon even gave them a few more food stuffs for their trip that was taken from his inventory. The citizens were shocked and Orthorn kept on shouting " a miracle! a Miracle!" while Milo held his forehead as he looked at the silly dwarf. After all the commotions where over they finally sent off the carriages.


Afternoon of the same day, a scout spotted 4 suspicious cloaked individuals approaching them. Since they have just left Dwargo City they were on guard for the Demon Kings Army. They were lost whether to turn back or fight. What amazed them however was a delighted voice that came from the 4 individuals. It shouted "It's them! They've succeeded said the voice as a stern sounding voice replied "I told you Orthorn could handle it"

When 4 individuals approached, the scouts where on guard. However, one of them shouted "Lay down your weapons, we mean you no harm". She removed her cloak and introduced her self as "I am Juno Saldom "The Hero" and this is my party, we came to help sir Orthorn.

The Head Scout doubted them first when heard them but soon enough their doubts were unfounded as they saw the other individuals removing their cloak and showing the "Proof of the Hero" signifying that they are the "Hero party". Although they were a bit startled when they saw Saintess Saya was one of the party members.

"Excuse my rudeness Hero-sama I am the Head Scout tasked to escort the citizens of Dwargo to Biringan City" said the Head Scout when he got off the leading carriage and bowed his head.

"That's ok, you don't have to bow your head. Let me introduce myself and my party, I am Juno Saldom the Hero. The person over there is Meyers the Templar" said Juno seriously as he pointed to a tall man holding a large shield and sword.

Meyers nodded to the scout, and the scout nodded back. Then Juno continued.

"The women next to her is Jane a Templar also and Saintess Saya" said Juno.

"Hello" said Jane and Saya.

"Ah, yes hello" said the scout a little embarrassed when he looked at the beautiful Knight and Saintess Saya.

Meyers rolled his eyes and moved in front of him to interrupt his gaze. Then he asked " Is General Orthorn with you?"

"Unfortunately, he isn't here" said the Head scout as he sobered up.

"Hmmm? Where is he then? Wasn't your operation successful? Don't tell me he— "Jane

"No, you've got it wrong Jane-sama. General Orthorn and Liutenant Milo are in Dwargo" Explained the Head scout.

"!!! At Dwargo!? Is he still fighting Bobeer?" asked the anxious Saya.

"Then we must hurry" said Juno as she and the Hero party was about to begin running towards Dwargo.

However, before they could run the Head Scout shouted "No! calm down Hero-sama"

The Hero party looked at the scout puzzledly. The Head scout smiled wryly and quickly explained the situation.

"So, Orthorn and you guys manage to retake Dwargo city with the aide of this mysterious guy?" asked Juno dumbfounded.

"That's right Hero-sama" said the Head scout.

"Where did he come from?" asked Jane.

"We're not sure, but I heard from General Orthorn that he descended in a pillar of Light" said the scout.

"Seriously?" said Meyers as he looked at Juno.

Shocked by what they heard Saya and Juno looked at each other and then Saya asked the scout "Did he claim to be a Hero?"

"No, he didn't claim it himself" said the scout.

"What do you mean?" asked Juno puzzledly.

"It was Orthorn-sama that told us that he was Hero-sama, Milo-sama even told us that he might be the Hero of Legends" said the scout.

"Even that Milo agreed?" asked Jane.

"Yes, he did. We had some doubts at first as well but after we spoke to him and saw him perform miracles we knew that he really was a Hero-sama" said the Scout.

"I see" said Juno as she remembered bitter experiences and started to doubt herself.

"Don't worry Juno-sama, I know for sure that you are the real Hero" reassured Saya.

"That's right! Juno-chan is the real Hero-sama so don't worry" comforted Jane.

"Anyways, what was their strategy regarding the Deva?" asked Meyers as he changed the subject.

"Orthorn-sama and Milo-sama didn't tell us but I think it involves Leon-sama fighting against one of the Devas alone" explained the scout.

"That idiot! It seems that Hero is overconfident about his skills just because he beat an Ogre King" said Juno.

"Your right we have to warn them otherwise they'll be in danger" said Jane seriously.

"Although Ogre King Bobeer was one of the strongest Generals in the Demon Kings Army, he is still just like an ant compared to a Deva" said Meyers.

"Then what do we do" asked the worried Saya.

"Even me in my current level I am not a match for a Deva. We have to go to Dwargo and warn them of the dangers against a Deva" said Juno.

"Alright, Scout-san you and the citizens of Dwargo continue to Biringan City while we will go to Dwargo and assist General Orthorn and the New Hero" said Meyers.

"Okay, and please take care" said the scout.

After the carriages left. The Hero Party continued on their way to Dwargo City. In a few minutes of running they Arrived Dwargo City.


-Item inventory can store unlimited amounts of items. Inside the inventory time stops so items that are stored will never rot. Because, Leon Greed was a solo player he stocked in on supplies that could last him for quite some time.


Bag of rice (20kl each) – 99999x

Pork Meat(2kl) - 99999x

Fresh Fish(1kl) - 99999x

Apples(1pc) - 99999x

Grade A Beef(Rare)(1kl) - 99999x


-Dwargo maybe the city of dwarves but demi humans can also be found on the city. They are actually a third of the population.

-Important things should be repeated twice!