
The process of reading the message had been like a rollercoaster for Jenny. First had come the panic of being found out; after all, Happle had the power to put her away for life if they sued her for corporate espionage. Her life and her career would be finished, and there would be no way for her to recover from it.

She had been aware of this risk when she had taken the deal with Sylvex, but the assurances given had been very foolproof. For instance, they had assured her that she would have certain windows of time where she could visit the headquarters where she no satellites would be able to observe her movements.

She had used one such window yesterday, so the fact that this image even existed meant that it was very possible that Happle actually knew about her actions.

After all, Happle had indeed supplied the military with advanced hidden satellites for spy operations, and they had the power to reroute one briefly.

Next had more panic that the man of her dreams was the one who wanted to meet her. Since she had taken the job, her dreams had been captivated by the striking blue eyes and the perfect face of the CEO. In fact, it was actually jealousy that had spurred her mind forward to make that plan that had distanced the brainless PA from Mr. Will.

Of course, she had put this silly panic aside because her entire life was currently at risk.

After this had come the figure which had blown her mind. Sylvex had only paid her $500,000 for accepting the role, and had promised her more payments with results. Yet, here, she had the chance to gain 4 times that amount in one shot.

Here, the greed that had been a part of her since birth rose up, pushing her towards accepting the offer.

Finally, Jenny was left with fear due to the promise that she definitely would be jailed.

The main doubt in her mind right now was that this entire thing could be a trap to catch her red-handed.

After all, this wasn't enough proof to be admitted in court. Although it was possible that Happle had more, it didn't make sense as to why they didn't use it all.

Yet, the location and her car were already damning enough. Besides, the fear and greed were constantly pushing her to choose to go to the location.

2 Million dollars. She would have to work 20 years while not spending a penny to earn that much.

Making her decision to go, Jenny also made a counter plan. The nature of all the proofs she had had no indication that she was the one to obtain them. Hence, if she was caught, she could claim that someone had given her this information and that she was simply there to hand in.

Yes, It would work. If they had nothing more to tie her to the entire thing, she could escape from the trap scot-free.

And if it wasn't a trap, she would be 2 Million dollars richer.

Smiling to herself at her own intelligence, Jenny turned the paper around to find the location she was supposed to go to, along with the time of the meeting.

It was tonight, at a remote cafe 40 km east of New York called the "The Lazy Buffalo".


"Mr. Will, this has just come to my attention. Someone has approached me saying that they have crucial information to share about Sylvex, but they require a meeting with you alone at a remote location."

Looking up from his work, William looked at Liz who had said these words and was now looking into his eyes, waiting for an answer.

In the business world, it was quite common for one to choose to go over to the other side with crucial information. He had handled several cases himself, and it was also general practice to ask to meet with someone who had the power to take decisions in the company.

Besides, Sylvex had indeed been slowly growing to become an entity that might rival Happle one day. His father always said that it was foolish to not grasp an opportunity when one presented itself, hence, Will nodded and said, "Put it into my schedule, off the record." Before looking down and continuing with his work.

He had indeed noticed the attitude that Liz had been having towards him, but he simply treated it as another ploy due to his experiences before.

As he was occupied with the documents in front of him, he didn't notice the slight smile that had come on the corner of Liz's mouth after he had given his answer.