Calming Down

For 10 minutes, Will drove through the streets like a madman, not even bothering to pause at the red signals while Liz held on for dear life. He seemed like a man possessed, and although Liz hadn't intended to say anything, she couldn't help but finally yelp when they almost collided into a food cart that was on the road.

This finally brought Will back to his senses, making him slow down the car and drive more normally.

However, he was still driving around aimlessly, and after 10 more minutes, Liz knew that he was just taking whichever turn he wanted. It was clear that he had no destination in mind, and she understood that he must just be blowing some steam off right now.

The hand with which he had punched that wall had become red and bruised but he didn't seem to care. His fists grasped the steering wheel tight, and he maneuvered the car like an expert racecar driver, so much so that Liz wondered whether this could have been one of his 'hobbies'.