First Executive Board Meeting

Looking at the door while blocking out all the noise from the directors and other personnel that had assembled in the room, Jonathan tried to control the simmering anger within him.

This morning, they had all received an email intimating them about the new appointment of a Director of Operations.

In the history of this company, and probably all companies in the world, he was pretty sure that this was the only case where a mere assistant was directly promoted to an executive role.

At this moment, he felt as if all the prestige and pride that represented Happle had been ground into dust, by being stepped on and trampled by the CEO who couldn't separate his love life from his professional one.

Although it did stand that the man and his family owned most of the stake in the company, this was still something that he, a 54-year old senior Vice President who had clawed his way up the ranks with hard work, could take with impunity.