Mrs. Zhao’s First Business Move

October 27, 20XX (Sunday)

Various Places

The mere mention of Ye Lan's and Hao Ren's names was enough to make Mei Lin uncomfortable. Knowing their involvement with the terrorists, Mei Lin could not deny not being angry. To her and Yang, nobody else is more stupid than the two. They make her regret being the same species as them, sometimes.

Unfortunately, they cannot do anything unless all the lists that Mother Zhao had provided them to do are accomplished. First, they need to discover all spies in the manor and leave only the faithful. Second, they need all the lists of people that joined the terrorists to drag the Zhao Family down. Third, they needed to bring these people down instead while making sure of legal proof. Forth, they need to do it without being noticed. The first one is already hard enough, but they had to do four?!