Hao Ren Fights Back

June 1, 2019 (Monday)

Hao Manor

Because of Ye Lan's death, Hao Manor has been a dark and gloomy place. The second wife had, of course, showed her ugly side and rejoiced in front of her son, making Hao Ren more depressed and angry. Unfortunately, Hao Ren still blames Yang for Ye Lan's death. Hao Chen had tried to reach out to his older brother but was meet with annoyance and distaste.

Because his Hao Ren was a moving black hole of negativity sucking up all the positivity in the Manor, Father Hao had tried to avoid his eldest son. With his avoidance, Father Hao had caused destructive thoughts on his second wife, which in turn made her son more depress with her lecture. Only Hao Chen was watching on the side, sipping tea again.