Authority (Part -1)

[Royal Magic Academy, Training Ground]

Jai, Daoma and Asava were standing side by side observing the students of Royal Magic Academy before with dummies and casting spells.

The headmaster of the Academy, Lopar has invited them to observe the students and help them find ways to improve the quality of training and how to develop them faster with a stable foundation.

It's been thirty minutes since the match between Kai and Farbo has come to a disappointing end and currently both parties are discussing with each other about the future in presence of Yami and Elena.

Jai and Asava are still confused why Farbo gave up in the end.

"Master Daoma, Why do you think Farbo gave up so easily without a match as soon as Kai brought out his sword."

Daoma raised his eyebrows and without turning his head smiled.

"Farbo already had made a move before the match even started."


Jai and Asava looked at each other and then Daoma.