Inside the dark prison room, an old man opens his eyes with his back on the hard cold stone floor with his thin right leg tied to the wall with an iron chain.
With his dull and unfocused eyes he looked around himself and felt a headache as memories flowed into his mind.
His name is Evaron, an old man in his late seventies and born with bad luck nothing good has ever happened to him in his life.
Being abandoned as a newborn child and raised by the caretaker of the temple of God of slaves.
The Temple of God of slaves may sound weird but that is because slaves only come to pray in this temple as nobody knows the name of this unknown god who has been forgotten in the flow of time and only this temple remains.
So, most citizens call it a false god with no base but slaves still come to pray because unlike other churches they don't have to pay but because they also receive no benefit like blessings of gods and various other benefits.