
The past few days have been pretty bad. My bad mood has obviously been transmitted to Arin and Catherine, and they've tried everything to cheer me up.

Between motorboating and mofu-mofu time with Catherine, nothing has worked so far.

In fact, the more they care for me, the worse I feel.

Now, they've started to ignore me. In the back of my mind, I understand that they're just waiting for me to share my problems and hoping that I return to my normal self.

But that only takes up 0.01% of my thinking process. The rest of it is dedicated to making up other reasons as to why they're ignoring me. Like they don't like me anymore, or they never liked me in the first place.

Even though I know the truth, there's no way for me to stop my uneasiness.


[Arin POV]

Argh! I just want to yell at him! I want to tell him that this isn't the Daniel that I fell in love with!

Ever since we started our journey, Daniel's been growing ever gloomier. At first, I was just wondering what sort of burden he's carrying.

Between Catherine and me, we've tried all sorts of things to cheer him up. Even though most of them were very embarrassing for us! Yet it did nothing.

In fact, he seems to dislike what we've done and is even more depressed. Does he not like us anymore?

Our last resort is to ignore him. By doing so, I'm sure that he'll realize what he's done by ignoring us, and return to his normal self. I feel really bad about it, but this is necessary! And for once, Catherine is being really strong about this.


A couple days have passed again, and it's getting to the point where Daniel looks as if he's about to commit suicide.

This is bad. Just what is plaguing him? There's no choice left, I need to directly ask him. But will he think I'm just being my clingy self?

I need to consult with Catherine on this.

"Just do it, nya! Daniel is clearly troubled by something, nya, so we should be there for him and relieve a part of his burden, nya!" (Catherine)

Well said! Sometimes I start to believe that Catherine should be the official wife instead of me. Despite my long years, I haven't had much interaction with men, but Catherine deals with them every day.

Then it's decided. Both Catherine and I will be talking with Daniel.


[Daniel POV]

"Daniel, listen. I don't know what's so important that you can't share it with us, but we just want to let you know that we're here for you." (Arin)

"Nya! We're your girlfriends, nya! It's our responsibility to share a part of your burdens, nya!" (Catherine)

"Arin… Catherine… I… I'm…" (Daniel)

I can't form any proper words as tears continuously stream down my cheeks.

I just need to vent all the negative emotions that I've accumulated until now.

Arin and Catherine are so good to me. Even when I show them my unsightly crying face, they simply hug and comfort me.

After five minutes, I've finally stopped crying. My mind has also cleared up significantly.

All of my previous worries were for naught. All I need to know is that I like and care for them, and they like and care for me.

That's enough for me. And I'm sure that Arin and Catherine aren't so shallow as to leave me for being a Necromancer.

With my new outlook, all my fears have been washed away.

Although I can't come clean about everything yet, at the very least I can tell them that I'm a Necromancer. Then, our journey will be much easier.

Oops, the girls are still hugging me. I hug them back and caress their heads a little – and I may have fondled Catherine's ears a little bit – before I tell them my secret.

"Catherine, Arin… I'm… a Necromancer." (Daniel)

"N-Necromancer?! Is that what you were worried about?" (Arin)

"Huh? Yeah…" (Daniel)

"You're so silly, nya! We wouldn't leave nyou for something so trivial!" (Catherine)

"E-Eh? How come you know that's what I was afraid of?" (Daniel)

"Hahahahaha! I was worried that it was something super serious, but it turns out that your still an idiot!" (Arin)

"…" (Daniel)

What the hell! Now they're calling me an idiot?! Jeez… these two…

Arin's laugh echoes throughout our camp, and very soon Catherine and I join in.

Later, I show the brightest smile I've ever had in all three lives.