Chapter 10


Came a noise as Ruhi slapped him hard. "You'hv no rights on me! I'm not your puppet! Why do you care what someone else says about me that I was your slave!" she yelled shoving him.

She tried to go down the stairs but was stopped as Rohan held her hand again. "Listen to me, I do worry about you because you means a lot to me! I know my ways aren't appreciated but that's the bloody truth! You're not going to leave me, you're gonna stay here... with me." He said angrily but she jerked out of his grip. "No, I'm going back home to where I belongs." She said and headed down but was interrupted by his chuckles. "Home? Which home? Have you ever wondered why haven't your parents came looking for you? It's because they fucking don't care. They aren't even your real parents. Your real parents dies when you were only 2 years old." He said shocking her. "These people only adopted you and called you as their daughter because of your property." He said shocking her even more. "Remember, you'hv signed some papers.. its said, once you get married or missing for more than a monrh, all your properties goes to them. You'hv stayed here for more than a month, If you go back home, they won't even recognise you." He said.

"How do you know all this." She asked. "I have ny ways, baby." He said. "I don't care. I'm not going to stay here with you any longer." She said and turned to leave when all of a sudden she fainted. "Ruhi!" He called, shocked and held her before she fell down. He carried her to the bed and called the doctor.

Soon, the doctor arrived and checked Ruhi. "She's under deep stress and in shock now. She should be on bed for at least 2 days or she may feel more weaker. She won't need any medicines but only rest and healthy foods. The doctor said and Rohan nodded. After the doctor left, Rohan sat beside Ruhi carressing her hair. "I really care for you. You mean a lot to me!" He whispered and kissed her forehead.

Hours passed.

Rohan fell asleep waiting for Ruhi. Her eyes fluttered and all the recent events flashed into her minds. 'I need to get out of here!' She thought and freed her hand that was being clutched by Rohan.

She stumbled and feeling slightly weaken, she continued her way down. She went out and seeing the dark streets, she didn't know what to do, neither she had money nor her house. Her head started aching and she couldn't handle the pain, once again darkness engulfed her making her lose her senses.

Soon an elderly couple with their.son happened to pass by and saw Ruhi fell unconscious.

"Look a girl's unconscious there." Said the lady. "Stop the car, son." She said and went out. "We'll take her home." Said the man and their son nodded, carrying her and carefully placing her into the back seat.

The kind couple took her.home and let her rest. Soon Ruhi's eyes opened and found herself with the unknown people and got worried. "Where am I?" She questioned worrying. "Don't worry child. You're safe in our home." Said the lady. "Dhruv, go get the soup." She told her son and he nodded. "What's your name, dear?" The man asked.. "R.. Ruhi." She said. "That's a sweet name for a sweet girl. I'm Nidhi and he's my husband Arnav." The lady said smiling.. "What were you doing out, unconscious at this time, Ruhi?" Arnav asked.

Tears welled up in her eyes. Feeling homely here, she told them everythings. "My poor child! It's okay, you can stay here." Nidhi said smiling. "No, it's okay, I don't want to burden you all." She said. "No, Ruhi. I insisted, stay here. You'll be no burden to us." Said Arnav and at that moment, Dhruv entered with the hot soup in his hand. "Here." He said and gave her the soup.. "This's our son, Dhruv. Dhruv, this's Ruhi." Nidhi said smiling warmly. "Hi." Dhruv said and she smiled.

She tried to forget Rohan but couldn't get his image out of her head. "Take a rest, now this's your home too." Said Nidhi. Ruhi's eyes covered with tears of happiness. "Thank you!" She whispered and Nidhi hugged her.. "No need to cry, rest now." She said and Ruhi nodded.


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