
Angor kept flying for about ten minutes and reached a junction connecting three other paths.

He then facepalmed himself. Which way? What was beyond them? Were there monsters? He did not know!

Did not matter now. Angor chose a random one, made a mark, and moved on.

Another ten minutes went by. Angor reached another fork… a five-way one this time. Like before, he left a mark and moved into a randomly-chosen one.

About more than an hour later, Angor reached a dead end, so he had to go back and choose another path. He went on like this and ran into several stops until he finally entered a path which… seemed to be working.

Still, he had a question. He did not stumble upon anything on his way. No monsters, no stuff, no nothing. According to Sunders, the underground maze should have been way more chaotic than this. Maybe he was just lucky? Well, he should be thankful.