Mysterious Alchemist

"Shit! Those are tiered rune bolts!" Wasteland Warrior could not believe what he just realized.

Everyone in the audience was supernaturals, so they also quickly noticed that Angor's bolts were not ordinary bolts.

"How rich is he? His weapon isn't tiered, but his bolts are! It makes no sense!"

"Which alchemist made them anyway? Can someone find so much time to craft tiered bolts like that? Is it Master Prome?"

"Can't be. Master Prome only knows synthesis, but the bolts are enchanted. Brute Cavern hadn't seen another enchantment alchemist in a long time."

"A new alchemist maybe?"

"Whoever it is, it must be someone reaaaal free who has nothing better to do."

The comment caused everyone in the audience to fall into a dead silence.

A new alchemist.

A free alchemist.

A new and free alchemist who could actually find time to create so many tiered crossbow bolts for a mere level-1 apprentice!