Peter Pan

Angor glanced at the boy on his leg and wondered.

I thought this guy hated me not too long ago?

They almost fought before boarding the airship because Angor did not take Ananda along. Here, "fought" meant Hobbiton was going to kick him, while Angor did not pay any attention to the kid at all.

A kid might he be, Hobbiton had been spending his years receiving "education" from Ananda, the leader of a thief gang. He knew all the dirty words used by adults. After Ananda prevented him from kicking Angor for real, he did not hesitate to use those words on Angor.

Maybe the kid was too scared of height as well as the strange world around him?

Angor did not believe those were enough reasons for the little devil to suddenly give up those gangster attitudes.

Maybe Hobbiton was suddenly enlightened by something overnight?