Soul Purification

Papaya was asked to sing the fourth paragraph. The Krakok girl seemed extremely nervous. Once on the stage, she kept moving her hands around her dress, unable to decide where to place them.

Angor failed to hold back his laughter. Last time they met, that little girl did a perfect job pretending to be innocent. He thought she could do better.

"You know Papaya, young mister?" the old priest suddenly asked.

"Yes. She knows how to act, I tell you."

"Pardon me. Act?"

"Aw, stop calling her girl. Who knows, maybe she's older than you," Shadow joked.

The Grand Priest glanced at Angor again. Speaking of age, he never paid close attention to Angor's age till now. Now that he took a careful look, the wizard sitting next to him had quite an immature appearance.

"I think she's 17, young mister."

Angor blushed a little. So Papaya is ACTUALLY one year older than me!