Hide And Seek

With no clouds to obstruct its way, a lone moon shined its cold brilliance upon the earth.

Angor used Cleanse to remove all smells and bloodstains from his body before moving away carefully.

The woods were dark. When Angor thought the only thing noticeable was the bright moon, a flock of flying ravens suddenly startled him.

His current path led down the mountainside. It wasn't long before he reached the edge of the woods. However, he didn't move on when he saw the empty, barren land outside the boundary.

The wind had stopped. Nothing was making any sound around him. Angor couldn't sense anyone watching him, but he still felt wrong. His instinct told him to stay put and take a better look at his situation.

After making sure his position was relatively concealed, Angor began to calculate different data using "mind overdrive".