Basket Witch

Angor perfectly blended in with the color of night and moved above Yothur City, and the occasional golden runes shown on his boots did not give him away at all.

Upon arriving at Sunken Street, he gazed at Gurman's small yet comfy yard from above, as well as the warm light shining through the windows.

The window on the second floor was left open, through which he saw a man in a black robe reading some files in the candlelight. Those were the same files he read several days ago.

This robed man must be the "first guest" mentioned by Gurman. Also, Angor already felt magical power coming from this person. But it seemed it was only an apprentice who had not been learning wizardry for much time.

The guest put down the files and was now questioning Gurman with an irritated look, clearly not satisfied with the result.