Rein's Invitation

Phantom Island was well in sight in the foggy weather.

Before Angor could enter the island from where he had been away for almost a year, a carrier pigeon suddenly flew to him and blocked his path.

After leaving Tree Spirit Palace, he ran into a lot more people who either wanted his service or delivered messages for other wizards. He did not accept any of the invitations. Similarly, he planned to disregard the pigeon as well.

But he changed his mind when he noticed the envelope. Unlike the random notes sent by other wizards, this one showed a golden glimmer in the light.

On closer look, he saw the wax seal on the letter showing Rein Mute's signature.

He surely did not want to disappoint the supreme leader of Brute Cavern without a reason, so he took the letter in his hand, after which the bird turned into a flock of feathers with a "poof".

A particularly shiny feather landed on the wax seal and melted it.