Winter Palace

A thousand years ago, a legendary wizard completely tore down a Transition Door but without receiving any response from the Grand Demon who built the door. Since then, other wizards believed that it might be dead, or at least it would not come back to bother people anymore.

Each Transition Door kept a fraction of the Grand Demon's might, but such residue had no effect on anything.

"All guards shall assist me in opening the door. Everyone else, stay behind and wait," Sennefer declared.

By those words, she meant to literally push the door open. Only a group of people with enough strength could succeed.

Wizards believed that the Grand Demon built the doors to protect creatures in outer levels so that the weak ones could not carelessly wander into deeper levels and get slaughtered.

Sennefer used to open the door by herself. But in her weakened state, she had to ask several guards to help her.