Unexpected Monsters

"Why so persistent?!" Angor cursed and tried to fly higher. "Don't tell me Toby stole its eggs or something!"

He took a quick glimpse at Toby, who was sound asleep in his pocket, together with his unconscious body. Toby fell into this state as soon as he sensed safety.

Angor scanned Toby's body while escaping and did not find any external wounds. Perhaps Toby was too tired to wake up.

He then looked back and saw the giant snake still in hot pursuit. He didn't feel too threatened since he was no longer in the confined caves. Surely the snake couldn't suddenly move faster than before by flying?

Unsurprisingly, the snake levitated itself by covering its long body in a white fog. Then it dashed to where Angor disappeared like an arrow.

Behind the flying snake, the "troll swimmer" and the "hermit crab" also emerged from the ground and began chasing him.

"Why the heck do they hate me so much?!" Angor complained without slowing down.