Return to the Beautiful Schoolyard

At the Southern Heavenly Gate, a burst of white light flashed past.

An Lin and his friends began to materialize in its wake.

A man with long silver hair was there to greet them with a smile on his face.

Earth Immortals Yue Ying and Ming Yuan immediately bowed to him. "We pay our respects to Emperor Ziwei!"

An Lin and his friends immediately followed suit upon learning the identity of the man in front of them.

"No need to be so polite, thanks for your hard work."

Emperor Ziwei wore a cold expression on his face, but his voice was very gentle, seemingly imbued with the power to soothe one's heart and alleviate anxiety.

An Lin raised his head to survey the silver-haired man in front of him with curiosity in his eyes.

This was his first time seeing a True God, so he was naturally very excited.

As for the old man he'd met before, who knew if he was actually a True God, after all, he didn't even tell An Lin his name.