A Misunderstanding

In the end, An Lin went away with Yu Hua's warning clear in his mind.

He was already exhausted after battling Hong Dou twice and had no more interest in being looked after by Liu Qianhuan, so he returned to his living quarters and soon fell sound asleep.

The next day, a group of people was wandering around in the schoolyard, attracting countless eyeballs and causing a bit of a sensation.

All of them had fine and smooth skin, with blue eyes and long, pointy ears. They were also all extremely handsome and had beautiful white wings growing from their backs.

Most importantly, they literally glowed!

A faint divine glow exuded from their bodies as if they were blessed by the heavens as they walked on the earth.

Within The United University of Cultivation, countless students all turned to look at them and discuss amongst themselves.

"Wow, look at those guys there, they're so handsome!"