Long Live The God of Agriculture

All the representatives unleashed their protective spell techniques to offset the terrifying water pressure.

Although their bodies would be able to handle the pressure, their seeds of life would definitely be unable to.

With this in mind, everyone once again expressed their gratitude toward Hong Dou in their hearts.

The ocean around them was pitch black and deathly silent.

Augus unleashed a light-emitting spell technique and surveyed their surroundings.

Everyone was immediately startled at the sight that was revealed around them. This was a f*cking colony of monsters!

Countless huge black shadows floated around them, including all types of strange-looking deep-sea fish with their cavernous mouths agape as they floated by, as well as some indistinct, twisted figures that shredded any living being that approached into mincemeat to devour.

Their eyes had generally all atrophied so there was no strong response to Augus' spell.