Lonely Tomb Keeper

The Winter Dragon Tomb was located on a highland at the border of Heavenly River State and Stone Dragon State.

An Lin rode on Da Bai's back, and they finally arrived at this highland after flying for one thousand five hundred kilometers.

"M-hm… Based on the coordinates given by the map, this should be the place."

An Lin pointed toward a location that was surrounded by a few dead trees.

Looking toward their destination which was not far away, Xu Xiaolan remarked, "There's nothing here at all. Could it be that there's a concealment spell formation?"

An Lin nodded. "The map is telling me that there's a spatial spell formation here. Those dead trees over there are the formation flags. We need to shift them in order to open the spatial door and enter the tomb."

"You can even talk to the map?!" Xu Xiaolan exclaimed in astonishment.